Knitting Looms: An Easy And Fun Way To Craft

Knitting looms, also known as knitting frames, are artifacts that have been used for centuries to create fabric from thread or yarn. Unlike traditional knitting that requires two needles, a loom-knitting person uses a loom and a hook. Stay with me as we delve into the mesmerizing world of knitting looms, and even explore one distinctively famous yarn type – Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino.

Understanding Knitting Looms

Knitting looms come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each designed for specific kinds of knitted pieces. The main types of looms are the round loom, the rake or straight loom, the long loom, and the knitting board. Each loom has its unique pattern style and thickness of the yarn that it works best with. The type of loom you choose depends on the knitting project you intend to tackle.

The most common form is the round loom with a series of pegs that hold the yarn. Beginners tend to start with this, crafting scarves, hats or socks. Then there’s the long loom, traditionally used for knitting double-layered fabric or larger items like throws and blankets. Rake or straight looms are great for shawls, and headbands, while knitting boards are ideal for more complex 3D projects.

An Overview of Loom Knitting Process

Regardless of the loom type, the knitting process relatively remains the same, comprising of wrapping the yarn around the loom’s pegs and using a hook to pull the bottom loop over the top one—this action creates a knit stich. The final texture depends on the pattern used, with standard options being single knitting, double knitting, and circular knitting.

One of the benefits of loom knitting is its accessible nature. While traditional knitting can be complex, requiring considerable manual dexterity and concentration, loom knitting is easier and faster with less strain on the hands. This is why it’s a perfect starting point for beginners, children, or those with mobility issues.

Choosing The Right Yarn

The yarn type and quality determine the feel and appearance of the knitted fabric. With countless options available, it’s important to be cognizant of the yarn that matches your pattern and the final product ambitions.

For instance, using the beloved Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino yarn lends the final product a beautiful softness and warmth. This yarn is made with cashmere, merino wool, and microfibre, making it extremely wearable and gentle against the skin. It’s particularly favored for knitting baby clothes, thanks to its hypoallergenic properties.

Maintaining Your Knitting Looms

It’s vital to maintain your knitting looms to prolong their life and ensure they deliver the best results. Always dust off your loom after use and store in a cool, dry place. For metal or plastic looms, a quick clean with a combination of warm water and soap does the job. Wooden looms, on the other hand, require a particular loom cleaner or beeswax polish periodically to keep it from drying out.


Knitting looms are more than just tools; they are a gateway to a world of creativity and satisfaction. Whether you are a beginner eager to take up a new hobby or a seasoned pro looking to explore new methods, a knitting loom can be a great companion. And remember, the right choice of yarn- like the Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino can make all the difference in your knitted creations.